It’s been a minute,…… or many.
Since my last post, I had to move out of the studio because I had a flood! Yikes. So I have been painting in my powder room! Yes. you can laugh about it, because, well what else can we do!
Its 2020!
SO I am back in and unpacking…….again!!
This was after they pulled up the floor!
I would insert a laughing emoji but creating a simple blogpost is hard enough for me!
Its a mess!
but I am moving back in!!!!
working on a new set up
I am super antsy to get started on some new drawings! and work up some painting ideas!
So it will take me twice as long to get settled because I miss drawing and painting so much that i’m just going to try to spend a few hours everyday doing that , then the other few hour reorganizing the space. I am just relieved that only a few items ( mainly books) got waterlogged. The only sad part was my sketchbook from March to about a month ago was on the floor, so well. its pretty damaged. Its a good reminder of this insane year all the way around! You gotta laugh ( at least after I cried). I can’t help but see it as funny now. It is just too appropriate. SO. Join me on this new adventure! I’ll try to post at least once a month! if not more. Amidst the chaos, let’s start creating!!